วันอังคารที่ 5 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2551

somewhere onlywe know rylic

I walked across an empty land,I knew the pathway like the back of my hand.I felt the earth beneath my feet,Sat by the river and it made me complete.Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?I'm getting old and I need something to rely on.So tell me when you're gonna let me in,I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.I came across a fallen tree,I felt the branches; are they looking at me?Is this the place we used to love?Is this the place that I've been dreaming of?Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?I'm getting old and I need something to rely on.So tell me when you're gonna let me in,I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.So if you have a minute why don't we go,Talk about it somewhere only we know?This could be the end of everything.So why don't we go, somewhere only we know,Somewhere only we know.Oh, simple thing, where have you gone?I'm getting old and I need something to rely on.So, tell me when you gonna let me in,I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.So if you have a minute why don't we go,Talk about it somewhere only we know?This could be the end of everything.So why don't we go, so why don't we go,Hmmm yeahh,This could be the end of everything.So why don't we go, somewhere only we know,Somewhere only we knowSomewhere only we know.

วันจันทร์ที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2551

Somewhere only we know

Somewhere only we know is a song of KEANE I chose this song because I like and it a beautiful sound so I chose this song

This song is about a love the main character needs the love and want to go to somewhere only we know the place we have love and in his dream he tried and need the place to relax .Somewhere only we know is the place of dream and it can be everything make me relax .He thing the earth is very bad he need lover everything in the earth is beneath he need somewhere to be everything in his life.
Because he getting tired and he need somewhere begin if he has a minute he will go to somewhere only we know.
I chose this song because I think the meaning of this song is good and in this song have a little word but the song have a deep meaning and it can make me think a lot of meaning it can make me think any idea. This song is a good song.

วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent's opinion

My parents are about 45 years old. They have a factory is main work of my parents. They think about society in Thailand and society of other country. They think Thai society is good in the pass but now many things of other country come in Thailand, Technology of other country come in Thailand it have good thing and bad thing fashion come in Thailand and come every time. Many Thai peoples get it but they don’t know about birthplace of much fashion many technology and many things is come in Thailand. They think about life and life of teenager it is important my mom and dad try to understand about it and what teenager need to do but don’t badly.
My parents think about school they think school is very important for every life because now have a higher competition and school can make people better and good person in society but that school must try to understand to student and made they can help them self. Work is very important and when everybody have work they have a good life my mom and dad think work is very important because now everybody need much money, Money is important for every life work can give much money to you but if work you don’t like and unhappy when you work they think it is not good for life.
My parents talks to me about work when I work I must like in this work and you will have many good things for life.
I think idea of my parent is good and really I will be a good person and try to understand many things.

วันจันทร์ที่ 5 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

How do you feel when you do some thing special or important

The important thing for me was the test when I was in secondary 3 I must test to pass to secondary 4 it was very important for me and very hard. I thought I could not do it because it was difficult but I had to do it, I tried to practice and work hard I felt unhappy because it was hard and boring I didn’t like it. I knew I must try to do it because I had a bad grade and I didn’t pay attention to learning. I was discouraged to do it I felt bad.
But I had to try to do it, I talked with my teacher and teachers tried to help me when they helped me I had the spirit to do every things , I think it was easy I could do it I felt good . It was a important thing for me and I could do it was not difficult if I tried to do it and wasn’t discouraged I could do everything.
I prepared for test and I was confident about the test I had to do it very well I could do it one time only. When I came to test, I excited before the test, but when I tested I felt good and could do the test.
The important thing for me was I completed it and I have learned about everything and I felt good then I could pass the test.

วันอังคารที่ 16 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2550

What society expect for me

Now many people want to be good people and have a good job. Every family expects their children to finish in university and have a good job in Thai society everybody, wants to be the best. My parent expect for me to learn high and finish in university and have a good job but not only good job I must be a good person in society.
Now in Thai society have many smart people but there are few good people who will help Thai society to be better than now. Therefore, society expects for everybody and me to help society. My parents expect for me to be a good people and they order me to work hard and read books, Sometime they expect me to be that, to be this, and I don’t like this because I think it is not important. But it is very important for my life and they expect for me to be a good person. Teachers expect me to have high education they teach me but sometimes they pressure me I think they pressure me because they make me be a good person. I must be good person in society. But now I must do many good things for my parents and teacher because they expect me to. When I work hard and have high education I can do many good things for society. But I must be a good person. My parents and teachers expect me to be a good adult.

วันอังคารที่ 25 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2550

Introduce myself

My name is chayin sillapasom tone I am 15 years old I was born in hospital onn 19 April 1992 I am Thai I have black hair black eyes. Now I am studying in RA school in M 4/2 science I have studied in RA from 6 years . I like to eat pasta , seaweed , salmon steak and choccolate cake with milk. I like to play football and I like liver pool fc I want to go to England to see a football game . When Saturday or Sunday I will go to the sport shop. I like shoe soccer shoe and football accessories and if I stay at home I will play guitar or see the movie and concert. But if I have home work I will do my home work before to do anything but sometime I was lazy. In my holiday I like to go to pattaya or huahin I like it . My favorite activity are sleeping and eating but my favorite activities iare playing football, playing guitar seeing football game and going to sport shops too. I think I want to be the business man in the future. I like to read books but this book is my favorite book. My dream is go to play football at old trafford in Manchester but it is a dream .

Young people today

Young people today

I think young people today have good things and bad things. Teenagers today have many technologies to use many things. Today teenagers want freedom for life they play games much of the time and drink alcohol it is not good for life. I thing teenagers today want to grow up and want to know everything maybe it is dangerous for life. Teenagers today have sex before marriage because they want to know I think it is not good because if they have a baby they cannot take care of the baby. Young people today have many bad things but they have many good things too I am teenager and as all teenagers I know I have good things and bad things. Teenagers can use technology to help many people today because they like technology but some teenagers use technology for bad things they make virus to send to destroy the software.
I think the important thing for now or Thailand is new teenagers to grow up to be good adults many bad things of teenagers today can help to be better than today , school is very important to help them it makes many teenagers to know everything now and school can make teenagers have a good life in the future .