วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 15 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2550

My parent's opinion

My parents are about 45 years old. They have a factory is main work of my parents. They think about society in Thailand and society of other country. They think Thai society is good in the pass but now many things of other country come in Thailand, Technology of other country come in Thailand it have good thing and bad thing fashion come in Thailand and come every time. Many Thai peoples get it but they don’t know about birthplace of much fashion many technology and many things is come in Thailand. They think about life and life of teenager it is important my mom and dad try to understand about it and what teenager need to do but don’t badly.
My parents think about school they think school is very important for every life because now have a higher competition and school can make people better and good person in society but that school must try to understand to student and made they can help them self. Work is very important and when everybody have work they have a good life my mom and dad think work is very important because now everybody need much money, Money is important for every life work can give much money to you but if work you don’t like and unhappy when you work they think it is not good for life.
My parents talks to me about work when I work I must like in this work and you will have many good things for life.
I think idea of my parent is good and really I will be a good person and try to understand many things.

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Hi Tone!

I think your parent’s opinion is good. In future of everybody, the most important maybe is a good job like your parents told. Many people who do not have a job for work have really bad life because they do not have money. It is true that money is important and many people get a job for them. It could be a good or bad job for good money. It up to your mine because good job is can be very hard, and you must learn for high levels for get it however bad job is can be very easy but it “bad”. It true that if you like your work, you will have very happy life but do not for gets your health because money cannot save your life from cancer.